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Bertling Dubai organises “A Gift of Reading” initiative

Bertling are excited to highlight the positive impact our combined efforts have had on the community.

In the spirit of giving back, Bertling in Dubai recently initiated a significant project aimed at promoting literacy and providing the gift of reading to those facing challenges.

Motivated by our dedication to corporate social responsibility, this endeavor gained momentum, encouraging our team members to contribute their gently used books suitable for readers of all ages. The response was overwhelming, with books overflowing with literacy treasures.

Following careful consideration, we identified the Dubai Public Library as a local organization committed to promoting literacy among underprivileged children and families. They proved to be the ideal partners for our cause, sharing our vision of cultivating a more literate and empowered community. As we prepare to deliver the generous book donations on December 28th, we anticipate the joy that will fill the room as we showcase the diverse range of stories and knowledge we have gathered.

Reflecting on this heartening experience, we are reminded of the positive change that occurs when a community unites with a shared purpose. Bertling Dubai remains steadfast in our commitment to ongoing efforts that contribute meaningfully to education and literacy, thereby fostering a brighter future for generations to come.


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