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Saan takes delivery of new Tadano

The Netherlands-based crane services company Saan is expanding its Tadano fleet.

The company, headquartered in Diemen (in Amsterdam), already has three ATF 130G-5 all terrain cranes and three HK 65 truck-mounted cranes. And now it is strengthening its crane fleet with another Tadano – a new AC 5.140-1. The crane was formally handed over at the Tadano location in Purmerend by Tadano Sales Manager Netherlands Richard Beenen.I

During the handover, Saan fleet manager Mark van Klaarbergen commented that “strengthening” was “definitely the right word” for his company’s latest crane acquisition. The AC 5.140-1 is, after all, the strongest, most powerful 140-tonne-class crane on the market today. Not that brute strength is the only thing the crane has going for it. The robust and agile carrier features 72 percent gradeability, giving the crane outstanding off-road mobility for assured access to any job site. And with its generous 60-meter main boom length and colossal lifting capacity, the AC 5.140-1 is the perfect choice for heavy lifts. Another of the crane’s highlights is its double-folding swing-away jib with integrated heavy-lift jib, which can be mounted without an assist crane. “We absolutely didn’t want to do without this option as it dramatically expands the crane’s range of applications,” said Mark van Klaarbergen. Other extras ordered by Saan include the 10x8x10 drive option and 16.00R25 tires.


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