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UPCARGO provides logistics for water plant project in Panama

UPCARGO Logistics, PCN members in Panama, were chosen last year as the logistics provider for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of a water treatment plant, located in Arraiján, West Panama.

The new plant will contribute to the improvement of drinking water for the benefit 283,000 inhabitants in the province of West Panama, and was one of the objectives highlighted in the National Water Security Plan named “Water for All” which was launched by the Panamanian government.

Having completed two previous movements for this project, UPCARGO’s third movement of pipes was carried out at the end of 2022 and carried through into the New Year.

The project was developed continuously over four days, working around the clock. UPCARGO had the collaboration of a team of more than 50 people including workers, suppliers, and a network of more than 100 carriers to execute the mobilisation of more than 673 ductile iron pipes – of 6 and 8 meters in length, with a diameter of 1.50 meters plus complementary accessories.

The operation began in the Port of Balboa, where UPCARGO worked closely with port personnel to position the cargo carefully on flat beds, to be lashed, secured and transported to the unloading site which was located on the Riviera of the Panama Canal, in the Vía Borinquen sector.

For unloading, the flat beds were stationed next to cranes to move the pipes and their accessories on-site according to the client’s stowage plan.

The steps UPCARGO took to carry out this operation were as follows: Organisation and logistics of the operation; Recognition of the area where the operation will be carried out; Induction for supervisors and staff in charge; Collection of shipping documentation; Customs clearance documentation; Reception of the shipment; Direct discharge of the pipelines (from the ship to the flatbed); Transportation of pipes from the port to the unloading place; Unloading from pipelines and storage.

“We finished this project without any incidents and accidents, and with the satisfaction that teamwork helps us to be at the service of the development and growth of our country.”


Project Cargo