Broekman Logistics updates strategy
Broekman Logistics, based in Rotterdam, updates its strategy to answer current and future demands from its clients and the market.
By doing so the company aims to strengthen its position as a leader in the European and Indian markets.
From now on, Broekman Logistics will concentrate on Freight Forwarding and asset-based value-added logistics services for the Specialty and Packed Chemicals, Agricultural & Construction Machinery & Spare Parts market and the Industrial Equipment and Breakbulk industry. This will affect the portfolio of activities.
In this light, the company has decided that its activities in bulk chemicals do not fit the refined strategic scope anymore. The former VLS activity in Antwerp is sold to Van Moer Logistics NV, based in Zwijndrecht, Belgium.
In line with this updated strategy, Broekman Logistics has started building a 60.000 m2 site in Weert, where end-assembly and manufacturing work will be performed for its clients. From 2023 onwards, current clients’ growth and new clients’ business will be served from the existing warehouse facilities in Rotterdam, Born and Venlo. The warehouse activity (former VLS-Group) for bulk chemicals in Antwerp is no longer part of the core business. Broekman Logistics will focus on Specialty Chemicals.
The very successful and continuously growing freight forwarding operations in India, Poland, The Netherlands, Czech Republic and Belgium will be expanded. The unique Breakbulk terminals in Rotterdam will continue to serve long term clients, in short sea, metals and the power and renewable energy industry. The shipping department remains the backbone of the company.
Broekman Logistics will continue to focus on sustainability and the further digitalization of its processes. The ambition is to be top of the class compared to its competitors. Broekman Logistics is confident that thanks to 60 years of excellent logistics services, its dedicated shareholder and most of all its committed workforce it will succeed in the execution of this plan.