Volga Shipping confirms compliance of Safety Management System
In June 2022, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) conducted annual verification of JSC Volga Shipping Company’s compliance with the requirements of the International Safety Management Code.
The shipping company’s Safety Management System was found compliant with the requirements and self-imposed commitments on safe operation of ships.
The scheduled audit of the onshore facilities of Volga Shipping Company conducted by RS experts included active work with the company’s management on safe shipping, personnel relations, fleet operation and maintenance.
Special attention was paid to practices deployed by the company in order to ensure safe operation of its liquid bulk and dry bulk cargo fleet involved on domestic and international routes. In particular, the audit included an in-depth study of issues related to corrective and preventive actions, analysis of the relevance of instructions and procedures for safe operation of various vessels including reports on internal and external verification. The interaction between onshore divisions and ships was assessed as well as emergency preparedness of the company and operation of its emergency response center. The company’s corporate programmes for additional training of crewmembers and the practice of regular crew safety seminars were highly appraised.
Basing on the audit findings, Joint Stock Company “Volga Shipping Company” obtained a Document of Compliance confirming the compliance of the company’s safety shipping policy with international standards as well as the efficiency of the company’s actions and methods of management applied on ships and onshore in pursuance of the policy aimed at safe management of ships and prevention of environmental pollution.