K LINE donates ship scale model to the JMETS
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) announced today that it has donated a scale model of the LNG-fueled car carrier (CENTURY HIGHWAY GREEN) it operates, along with a photo panel of the same ship, to the Japan Agency of Maritime Education and Training for Seafarers (JMETS) Marine Technical College, an educational institution for seafarers in Japan.
On May 16th, a presentation ceremony attended by Rector Koichi Kondo from Marine Technical College and Senior Managing Executive Officer Kiyotaka Aya from “K” LINE, where a letter of appreciation from JMETS was presented to “K” LINE. In an acknowledgment of thanks, Rector Kondo of Marine Technical College commented that “Thank you for your donation of model ships and ship photos. It is an encouragement to our students and the faculty. Appreciate your understanding and continued cooperation to our activities developing high-quality seafarers.”
Most Japanese crew members of “K” LINE work as crew after completing on-board training at JMETS, and even today they undergo classroom courses and practical training that reflect the needs of the shipping industry at the Marine Technical College. “K” LINE has a strong relationship with JMETS and the Marine Technical College in particular in the recruitment and training of Japanese crew, and made this donation to express its gratitude for the contributions these organizations have made to the development of excellent Japanese seafarers.
The scale model ship that was donated was created by Filipino students being trained by “K” LINE based on the latest LNG-fueled car carrier. “K” LINE hopes that the display of the model at the Marine Technical College will provide further growth and encouragement to its students by exposing them to the development of eco-friendly ship technologies and the passion of like- minded Filipino students.
Going forward, “K” LINE will continue to cooperate with JMETS and contribute to the development of the shipping industry and cultivation of Japanese seafarers.