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Total Movements moves wind turbine components to Europe

Project Logistics Alliance’s Indonesian member Pt. Total Movements has moved a total of 5 units of wind turbine generator components from the supplier’s factory to the load port for a prestigious project in Europe.

The wind turbine generator components included 15 x 44 meters long blades, a 5 x 50 MT generator, hubs and accessories.

Among the challenges of this project was traversing the heart of the city to reach the port amid numerous construction activities for the city’s metro project, and the authorities outrightly denied permission for the movement of such oversized cargo.

Nevertheless, the Total Movements Indonesia Team organized a joint meeting with the metro, city corporation, police and port authorities to ensure that all necessary precautions were taken during the movement to ensure that no construction activities or infrastructure changes were disrupted by submitting technical documents to obtain permission.

The Total Movements Indonesia Team used their exclusive access to a specialized fleet of vehicles at their disposal and integrated teamwork to accomplish the project. Before the vessel’s arrival, the entire cargo was docked in port. Then the vessel loaded on board for the sail.

On behalf of the PLA members and partners, we congratulate the Total Movements Indonesia Team for contributing to a renewable energy project.


Project Cargo